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Tenet is a masterpiece.

I still haven't gotten around to watching it because I heard mixed opinions about it. I will have to make it a priority to watch it if you're calling it a masterpiece. I do love Nolan movies.
Tenet is a masterpiece.

I still haven't gotten around to watching it because I heard mixed opinions about it. I will have to make it a priority to watch it if you're calling it a masterpiece. I do love Nolan movies.

If you enjoy an hour+ of ham-fisted exposition just to attempt to explain the mechanisms behind the sci-fi premise of the movie, you'll love it!
I guess my opinion of Tenet is somewhere in the wide gulf between Zack’s opinion and the others’.

And that’s all I have to say about that.
New Dune trailer dropped.

Trailer makes it look good, but trailer for the first one made it looks amazing and it turned out to be a snooze fest.

Sucks the two main characters are played by the worst actors in the cast. Such a great ensemble and it's anchored by two pieces of wood.
New Dune trailer dropped.

Trailer makes it look good, but trailer for the first one made it looks amazing and it turned out to be a snooze fest.

Sucks the two main characters are played by the worst actors in the cast. Such a great ensemble and it's anchored by two pieces of wood.
You, sir, are a liar!
Yea, I know most people really liked the first one, but it just didn't capture me. I've got a long list of reasons why but no one wants to hear them.

I will defend my views on Chalamet and Zendaya till my death. Two beautiful and boring actors being beautiful and boring together.
When you think of Tim Chalamet, just hear his name in your head as the chorus from "Kid Charlemagne" by Steely Dan, and all will be right in the world.
New Dune trailer dropped.

Trailer makes it look good, but trailer for the first one made it looks amazing and it turned out to be a snooze fest.

Sucks the two main characters are played by the worst actors in the cast. Such a great ensemble and it's anchored by two pieces of wood.
You, sir, are a liar!
Yea, I know most people really liked the first one, but it just didn't capture me. I've got a long list of reasons why but no one wants to hear them.

I will defend my views on Chalamet and Zendaya till my death. Two beautiful and boring actors being beautiful and boring together.
I don't agree that the first movie was a "snoozefest." I do agree that the two leads are the worst actors in the movie. My only trepidation with this movie is that Zendaya will be featured prominently.
Had you read any of the books? Because the movie seemed to work a lot better if you'd read the books. Personally, I felt like it flew by. I actually wished it had been an hour longer so they could have gotten into more of the really interesting world-building.
New Dune trailer dropped.

Trailer makes it look good, but trailer for the first one made it looks amazing and it turned out to be a snooze fest.

Sucks the two main characters are played by the worst actors in the cast. Such a great ensemble and it's anchored by two pieces of wood.
Damn…worst post in DF history.
Had you read any of the books? Because the movie seemed to work a lot better if you'd read the books. Personally, I felt like it flew by. I actually wished it had been an hour longer so they could have gotten into more of the really interesting world-building.

I've read Dune, so I understood what was going on.

It's a beautiful film, but there's a hollowness to it. Chalamet and Zendaya are perfect representations of the entire movie, beautiful and boring.
Tenet is a masterpiece.

I still haven't gotten around to watching it because I heard mixed opinions about it. I will have to make it a priority to watch it if you're calling it a masterpiece. I do love Nolan movies.

If you enjoy an hour+ of ham-fisted exposition just to attempt to explain the mechanisms behind the sci-fi premise of the movie, you'll love it!
Tenet is not a movie designed to be consumed in this way. The exposition and mechanisms driving the plot are all secondary. Tenet is an experience to be felt.

Set yourself up in front of the best TV and sound system you can find, crank the volume, and let it wash over you. Goransson's score is one of like seven perfect compositions in film history.
Nothing about a Nolan film can be felt besides some moments of Interstellar. They're all intellectual masturbation with no emotional substance behind them. Tenet is the worst example, imo. It basically doesn't have characters.
Nothing about a Nolan film can be felt besides some moments of Interstellar. They're all intellectual masturbation with no emotional substance behind them. Tenet is the worst example, imo. It basically doesn't have characters.

Even The Prestige?
Nothing about a Nolan film can be felt besides some moments of Interstellar. They're all intellectual masturbation with no emotional substance behind them. Tenet is the worst example, imo. It basically doesn't have characters.

Even The Prestige?

Isn't that the only movie he adapted from another creative? Besides the Batman series of course.

Rome is right, all his original IPs are at their core exercises in mental masturbation written at their core about the sci-fi mechanism, with characters and dialog put on as a shell at the very end merely as a vehicle to showcase it.

That being said, despite that, I did enjoy Memento, Inception, and Interstellar.

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