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I'm still scared Zendaya is going to ruin it for me. I'm hoping it's not as heavy on that relationship as the trailers make it look.

I really want the third movie to happen because I think that's where Villeneuve could really get into the idea of the corrupting influence of power.
I'm still scared Zendaya is going to ruin it for me. I'm hoping it's not as heavy on that relationship as the trailers make it look.

I really want the third movie to happen because I think that's where Villeneuve could really get into the idea of the corrupting influence of power.
Apparently he rolled some of those themes into this movie.
He says he's already started writing the script for the third movie. So I imagine if this one does well, it'll be greenlit.
I've seen Part 1 three times and each time I'm surprised at how quickly it goes by. I normally hate super-long movies.
For those who have read the Dune books, what’s the realistic/optimal number of parts for this series of movies? It sounds like he’ll make 3 parts, but will that cover everything, or are there books that are so bad that no one cares whether they’re included?
For those who have read the Dune books, what’s the realistic/optimal number of parts for this series of movies? It sounds like he’ll make 3 parts, but will that cover everything, or are there books that are so bad that no one cares whether they’re included?

Children of Dune, the third book, is the last that's actually adaptable for a movie. It would still be tough, probably at least another three movies to cover it and Messiah as well.

God Emperor is not possible. A prestige TV miniseries, yes, but not as a feature length film. It's also much more philosophical than any of the previous novels and light on action, so i'm not sure it would be received very well

Heretics and Chapterhouse are just too weird; I don't think it would fare well on any medium.
For those who have read the Dune books, what’s the realistic/optimal number of parts for this series of movies? It sounds like he’ll make 3 parts, but will that cover everything, or are there books that are so bad that no one cares whether they’re included?

Children of Dune, the third book, is the last that's actually adaptable for a movie. It would still be tough, probably at least another three movies to cover it and Messiah as well.

God Emperor is not possible. A prestige TV miniseries, yes, but not as a feature length film. It's also much more philosophical than any of the previous novels and light on action, so i'm not sure it would be received very well

Heretics and Chapterhouse are just too weird; I don't think it would fare well on any medium.
I would agree with all of this.

I like Heretics and Chapterhouse, but I really don't know how you could adapt those without it ending up feeling super cringy like Morbius or something.
Holy fuck just seeing Madame Web’s reviews for the first time now. Superhero movies really coming to an end soon, at least for a little while before another generation is ready for them.
Superhero movies have gotten extremely oversaturated the last few years. Really not sure what they were going for with Madame Web especially.
I mean, I was done with them a lot sooner than everyone else was. Just not my thing, especially the Marvel factory formula version. I like plenty of dumb movies. But the constant quippiness is like a screwdriver in my eye. You know, the whole "Well, that just happened" or "He's right behind me, isn't he?" in the middle of a life-or-death scenario. It reads like some 50-year-old screenwriter's idea of Gen Z humor. I also hate how every movie ends with some CGI skybeam fight. There's zero weight or tension to anything.
I like most Spider-Man movies all right. The Spider-Verse movies are fantastic. The first two Toby Maguire Spider-Man movies are good. I liked the Tom Holland one I saw. Not enough to watch the other two, but I could see the merits.

Funnily enough, I recently saw Superman II. The Christopher Reeve movie. As hokey as a lot of it was, I actually really enjoyed it. Christopher Reeve plays the character perfectly. His romantic chemistry with Margot Kidder is great. I enjoyed how sincere the movie was without being self-serious. Nowadays, superhero movies are either wink-at-the-camera ironic (Thor) or deadly serious (The Batman).

I don't actually believe the superhero genre will slow down at all, but if it does maybe it would create a profit vacuum in blockbuster Hollywood that will open the door for more interesting work.

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