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I love Spieth and Reed is a giant cock so it was a rough finish.
The only other forum that I go to is a golf forum where they are complaining about... ahem... Shane Ryan's negative stories about Reed. :smile:
Well, purportedly yes he's an ass, but moreso impressed that Shane Ryan can piss off two completely unrelated groups of people so consistently.
It does appear that other golfers sincerely dislike Reed, but that seems to be entirely because he's obnoxious and arrogant and not because he's actually done anything bad. The only evidence beyond that is something that is in a Shane Ryan article so definitely take it with some grains of salt.
One of Ryan Blaum's wedges. This custom stamping is way better than any of mine.


Nice writeup on DeChambeau and the nascent rise of golf analytics. Love that right now the optimal strategy is just get beefy and boom the shit out of the ball from the tee regardless of accuracy

Though, uh, today wasn't exactly the best example of his prowess
There's no laser-scanned greens book this week, he has to use his feet and not his head to make putts.
Tiger hospitalized following a car crash this morning.
I really do hate it. The only golfer who brings elecrticity to a golf course wherever he goes. Glad I at least got to see his last great tourney live at the 2019 Masters. I hope it wasnt drug related.

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