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HS All-Star Games

K will need to find a way to get Reddish involved. Probably as a spot-up shooter.

RJ is good. Not sure who he reminds me of.
Spoiler: we did not successfully turn Reddish into a spot-up shooter. Granted, we tried.
I think the MCD 3pt contest and dunk contest are on ESPN2 right now.

Edit: Didn’t see dbd05’s posts in the recruiting thread. I guess we don’t really want to watch the 3pt contest.
Re: 2014 HS Allstar games

It’s good to see that women’s basketball is advancing physically to where it’s deep enough to field it’s own slam dunk contest.
Dariq McD's MVP. 13/7/7 with three 3s. Mitchell had ~19 for the other team and a few threes late, looked good. Lively had a bunch of dunks and looked the be the guy everyone on both teams considered 'the man'. Flip I guess is 5th year so he wasn't playing. Overall, looks like kind of a below average class, but we definitely got the best group.
The replay wasn't on WatchESPN by the time I remembered last night, but I watched the weekend's scrimmage on YouTube. Whitehead was super off, probably had more airballs than makes. Reports of his streaky shooting have me a little worried, despite how godlike he looked in those televised games.

I love Mitchell. He might be my crush from this class. He comes off as savant-like savvy for a big athlete, and seems to both be Lance-tier active and hustly + know how to play within himself without taking dumb risks when making things happen offensively. I'd probably put my money on him starting over Kyle, all things considered.

I thought Kal'El Ware looked like a better rim protector than Lively in the scrimmage. Lively seems like a pretty ideal center when you consider the whole package, but we've been very spoiled and I think he's going to be not quite as good at being Mark as Mark is. Seems more like a Cauley-Stein with a stronger frame and more skill (which is still great, of course). He seems like he'll be an excellent personality to have on your side, as well.
I think you are right on all counts. Dariq looks like a really good all-around player, but not sure he's the 40%+ 3-pt. shooter we were hoping for, though he looked good in the game itself. 3-pt contest was a red flag.

Mitchell is going to have to be on the floor. Looks like a great all-around player. Was all over the place in the game, and his shot/scorig looked pretty good (except FTs). Hit some threes and had a really nice take right at Lively. Should rival Zion as the best ever 'afterthought' recruit - j/k.

Lively definitely isn't a Mark level shot-blocker, but he is more solidly built and may not have as many problems with the Zed Keys of the world. He really did seem like the center of attention, and the other players seemed to gravitate towards him. Looks like a great leader.

Really wish Kyle could have played just to get a feel for where he may be relative to others, and whether he had the shooting/ball skills to rotate some at the four. Didn't appear that Lively is anything but a center, even though they kept talking about his range.
I've been saying that I expect Lively and Flip's minutes to be partially staggered. And I expect Mitchell to fill in the gaps by playing a lot of 4. I don't think he's a surefire OAD. He looks like a high level utility player to me. Kind of a 12 and 7 guy.

I could see something like

Mitchell 27/Flip 13
Lively 27/Flip13

I'm sure Cmon wouldn't have split the minutes quite that evenly, but I don't have his powers of prognostication.
I'm sure this is just some sort of body shape bias manifesting itself, but it's hard for me to imagine Lively getting as much time as Flip/Mitchell.

27 mpg for a rim-running center (with occasional open 3s) who doesn't have much muscle seems like a lot. I guess in terms of comps: Holmgren did get 27 mpg this year for the Zags, Kessler 25 mpg for Auburn as a soph, and Mark 24 mpg as a soph for us.

Working in Lively's favor is that it seems like he has really good shooting form, so he's not a guy you have to take off the court in late game FT situations.
I only watched the game, not the scrimmage, so I’m only basing my opinions off that.

Lively is solid. Great run jump athlete, extremely long. I wish he would’ve taken a jump shot to gauge that area, but he didn’t even look to do much (any) pick and pop or anything. I agree with deeyou and Pantone that he’s not gonna be like Mark and that he seems like a great dude. Based on other video I remain optimistic about his shooting, just hate he didn’t even look to take one during the game. The paint was predictably clogged and discombobulated last night, so it was tough to feel how great he’d be peeling off his man to protect the rim, finish inside offensively with room, etc.

Whitehead’s shots that went in looked amazing. All net, etc. His misses were off by a mile. Like Pantone, seems to support the streakiness label. Of his misses, at least two were air balls and another clanked badly off the rim. He did get stripped clean in the backcourt once, but I thought otherwise his handle looked clean and was surprised he was running point for his team. Had some turnovers making a few passes, but in this setting I chalked that up more to timing and unfamiliarity with teammates than anything else.

Mitchell is an interesting prospect to me. I don’t think much of him as an athlete. He’s not quick for his size IMO, not a great run/jump dude. His shot does not look pretty and will need some overhaul long term IMO (it’s extremely flat). But…..he’s wildly effective. He was the ultimate ‘right place at the right time’ guy last night. Kept it simple, didn’t do much outside of himself, just played ball. If he plays like that at Duke as a complimentary piece, I think he’ll be great. If we ask him to do too much, I think it’ll be a struggle.
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I only watched the game, not the scrimmage, so I’m only basing my opinions off that.

Lively is solid. Great run jump athlete, extremely long. I wish he would’ve taken a jump shot to gauge that area, but he didn’t even look to so much pick and pop or anything. I agree deeyou and Pantone that he’s not gonna like Mark and that he seems like a great dude. Based on other video I remain optimistic about his shooting, just hate he didn’t even look to take one during the game. The paint was predictably clogged and discombobulated last night, so it was tough to feel how great he’d be peeling off his man to protect the rim, finish inside offensively with room, etc

My post in the Derek Lively thread might help you. I watched the scrimmage and posted two specific clips of him taking a catch & shoot 3 and peeling off his man to protect the rim.

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