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College Basketball Recruiting

-What should the point guard do?
-Pass more
-Passmore's the small forward. What's his role?
-Schutt's the shooting guard. If he's not open, what's his move?
-That's the point guard. He should pass more.
-Yeah, the small forward. He should feed the post.
-But Post is the power forward. What about Screen?
-Yeah, a screen will get Post open?
-Yeah, and then he'll shoot

Having LeBron as a genetics provider and life coach seems to be valuable for a player’s development. Without knowing anything about Bryce Maximus James’s game, I assume he’ll be a top 10 pick. Also assume LeBron is going to play in the NBA and stay in CA until he gets to play with/against both of his boys, which means Duke has no chance in the recruitment, though I suppose it’s possible the Hornets get Bronny, so LeBron joins the Hornets for a year while Bryce plays for Duke.

Mark Williams
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It's too bad he didn't marry a taller woman though. Most places on the internet say she's 5'7". Not short for a woman, but not super taller either. The result has been that LeBron's kids are 6'3". If they were 6'8", people would be talking about them as #1 picks.
The Hornets would be the perfect franchise for LeBron to strong arm into taking both sons with top 10 picks, with a promise of joining them in free agency. The Hornets owner is incompetent or doesn’t care about winning games, so having the circus of the LeBron family to sell tickets and be on national TV would be appealing. Unfortunately I think this would entail Bryce going to UNC.

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