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Duke News Article/Publicity Thread

This has nothing to do with cord-cutting or rights fees. It's obviously just K settling all family business.
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DrKlahn said:

This has nothing to do with cord-cutting or rights fees. It's obviously just K settling all family business.

An exclusive club of 100?
Excluded club or Excommunicated club or Exiled club, but not exclusive
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A natural contraction of a generally bloated sports media environment that ESPN largely created. There is way too much sport in this country and way too many people and entities covering/broadcasting it. Hell, on ESPN platforms alone you could easily find probably a half-dozen different pieces of content related to a sporting event of even moderate significance. For major events or for topics ESPN decided to push, that number rose dramatically. There's just no way to justify that kind of saturation within one outlet.
They kept people like Stephen A Smith and got rid of good writers. I haven't watched a non-sporting event on ESPN in years. Used to watch the same Sportscenter 5 times a day.
O'Neil, Brennan, Katz, Brown, Elmore. ESPN is largely telling college basketball to fuck off, which isn't surprising considering the fact that college basketball is pretty much a niche sport masquerading as a major sport. On the other hand, it's interesting in the context that college basketball was the foundation of early ESPN.
To be fair, when you look at the list of names it's pretty evenly spread across sports.
Well, such facts don't fit my narrative. Choosing to ignore them.
Bob Harris. Steve Mitchell. Coach K. USA.

It is written.
Yeah, sure sounds like that turned out to be a pretty shitty situation for her.
Woof, Winn was one of the few decent ones left. CBB national media is almost nothing but mouthbreathers now.

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