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UNC Basketball 2019-2020

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Oct 7, 2012
We have moved on from the idiotic days of DevilsForLife and best4heisman starting UNC threads, with UNC predictably reaching the Final Four each season when the thread is started by someone with “4” or “For” in their username.
Reading between the lines and Ben Sherman posting a commencement countdown it sounds like this Pierce kid is coming to UNC. I’m not sure how I feel about this. His junior shooting numbers were horrible at William and Mary. Pretty weak conference. There are some things I like though. In his highlights he doesn’t look completely unathletic, he has pretty good passing ability. 4 assists a game as a 6’7 wing isn’t too bad. I definitely have my concerns if he translates to the ACC. Im also going to assume he’s a bad defender. He’s another decent player though m. I’d rather play this guy than Platek. I don’t think Keeling or Pierce make us title contenders but I do think this team will be a 2-3 seed that has a chance to make a run in March.
Seems to really struggle against good competition. Last year 106 O Rating overall and 84 against top 100 opponents in five games. Even in his good soph year, where he had a 116 rating, he had a 91 in seven games against the top 100.

Still, he probably allows their starting 3 and 4 men to go to the bench without a large drop off, so he adds some value. It does seem he played very little defense at William and Mary.
Yeah his junior year, he sucked on offense. He did have a nagging wrist injury last year which I heard he got surgery on after the season ended which I guess could partly explain the massive decline in his shooting percentage. I’m more excited about this for his Rebounding and passing. It’s another guy to play the 3/4 and for depth purposes. Hopefully he finds his shot again. It would be huge if he could hit the wide open threes Cole Anthony is going to give him.
Just here documenting my residence on "Marquette's actually still going to be a Top 15 team without the Hausers (and better on defense, too) island."
Folks gotta stop writing off UNC so early in the offseason. This is what they do now when Roy sees he ain't got shit to work with.

Also, fuck UNC fans for all the bullshit they spewed about disliking OAD when you consistently go after OAD graduate transfers. What stupid logic.
It’s a shame that schools like UNC want to make a mockery of the college game with these rental OAD players.

Honestly, in some ways it is worse than HS OADs. You're basically poaching kids you've never had more than a phone call with from programs who have supported them and developed them over the course of four years. And the likelihood that they are any more qualified to be admitted to a UNC masters program (or that they are likely to complete said program) than a HS star is to be admitted UG is approximately 0%. Glorified JUCOs, but at least JUCOs have to leave.

Fuck those hyprocrites.
Folks gotta stop writing off UNC so early in the offseason. This is what they do now when Roy sees he ain't got shit to work with.

Also, fuck UNC fans for all the bullshit they spewed about disliking OAD when you consistently go after OAD graduate transfers. What stupid logic.

Well Roy is out of options at this point. No more weak-minded HS AAs to talk into more college years and worse draft status. Good news is that he at least this possibility doesn't exist with grad transfers.
It seems to me Grad poaching is far superior to all but the highest echelons of OAD recruiting. Is there any doubt that 1-2 of these guys Roy is grabbing with seemingly a few weeks of effort at most will be more impactful than Cam Reddish, who was recruited for years?

I wish this was something K would adopt. I guess the risk is, it might be a terrible "Grad market" year and you could get fucked, but that's not too dissimilar from a weak HS class, and with more kids transferring than ever, perhaps isn't as likely.

As with Roy and injuries forcing his hand, this of course isn't a strategy born out of shrewdness or intellect, but rather something that he lucked into as a consequence from something he was bad at (in this case recruiting from HS)
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K is probably against grad transfer poaching the same way he was against loading a roster with OADs for a few years. Even here, we are making relative morality judgments about it. As he gets more desperate to win another title before retirement/death, whichever comes first, he’ll probably adopt the grad transfer marketplace.
I'm totally blanking, but what grad transfers have had a big impact in CBB recently? Blackshear obviously would, but I can't think of any that have so far.
I think Matt Mooney could give Travis a run for his money for that honor, but it's not that his numbers were particularly good. It's just that Texas Tech really needed someone capable at that spot.
I think Matt Mooney could give Travis a run for his money for that honor, but it's not that his numbers were particularly good. It's just that Texas Tech really needed someone capable at that spot.

Mooney was productive at South Dakota, but Reid Travis played at Stanford. A lot of these grad transfer guys post big numbers (like Cremo did) at smaller schools. To have a grad transfer from a power conference school (if you can even call the Pac-12 that anymore) hit the market with numbers like Travis did was rare.
I feel like the "best" grad transfer to hit the market ever was Reid Travis, and he was at best, just decent. I have a hard time believing their grad transfer from Charleston Southern (or wherever it is) is going to make some significant impact.

I'd say Cam Johnson had a bigger impact than Travis, especially considering he played two years at UNC. But like you, I'm not particularly scared of grad transfers from Charleston and William & Mary.
I don't count Cam Johnson. No particular reason to think decent grad transfers with two years of eligibility remaining will ever exist in numbers. If he'd been a one year player, his impact would've been seen as somewhat marginal.

I do think it is a little wonky that a school who pays full boat for a player's injury redshirt year gets dicked out of the 'make-up' year. Pitt paid for Cam for three years, and got two years of play. Would make more sense if the team the kid transfers two had to reimburse the jilted school, a situation more like a standard transfer where the school that gets the kid has to pay for the 'sit-out' year.
Grad transfer rule has only existed since 2011, whereas freshmen have existed forever, so it's not an easy comparison to think about fairly.

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