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Futures just hit the limit up. 1,000+ point gain at the open tomorrow.

Hopefully Trump keeps his mouth shut and doesn't tweet.
Every bear market has rip your face off rallies. It's going to come crashing down again. Your focus on short term movements won't do you or anybody else any good. The virus doesn't give a shit about the markets.

but look at the chart - there have been 4 days with big jumps since this started so it must be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ignoring the other 26 days of the last month...

its like the reverse of the polyannas over at TDD who would run around saying the economy was tanking every time the market had a bad day
I may have already used this analogy, but it's like when Duke gets embarrassed by NC State and then responds to K yelling at them by destroying Notre Dame. The fundamental problems of roster construction and coaching strategy are still there.
I was just randomly thinking that the best thing that could have happened for the American people right now was this giant stock market crash. It's the only thing that Trump cares about at all and if it hadn't happened, the federal government would be doing even less than they are now. in fact, they would probably still be busy downplaying all of this and calling it a Democrat/fake news hoax.
Futures just hit the limit up. 1,000+ point gain at the open tomorrow.

Hopefully Trump keeps his mouth shut and doesn't tweet.
Every bear market has rip your face off rallies. It's going to come crashing down again. Your focus on short term movements won't do you or anybody else any good. The virus doesn't give a shit about the markets.

I know the virus doesn't care, and I know the markets are going to get worse. I'm just looking for any positive that staves off total collapse for any amount of time. Most Americans have little in savings and average to poor credit. And even if you have good credit, what happens when nobody's willing to lend or they've gone bankrupt themselves?

This isn't about me or my finances. I couldn't care less if my portfolio hit 0 tomorrow. I am worried sick about the older people and their finances. I don't want them on the streets. And I know how things work- like I said, Caesars employs 65,000 people alone and Vegas is basically shutting down. If they go bankrupt, that's terrible management by the Fed and/or the government. You've got to let the Fed step into the commercial paper market if you're the government I would think. It's apparently not a really popular public opinion after the 2008 bailouts. But yeah- that's why I care so much about the markets- they affect more real people than anything. Sophisticated investors with lots of liquidity options and myself are the last thing I'm worried about.

I don't want to ruffle feathers so I will refrain from market updates from now on, but this thing can get a whole lot worse if this virus is worse than Goldman predicts and I really don't want to see it.
Futures just hit the limit up. 1,000+ point gain at the open tomorrow.

Hopefully Trump keeps his mouth shut and doesn't tweet.
Every bear market has rip your face off rallies. It's going to come crashing down again. Your focus on short term movements won't do you or anybody else any good. The virus doesn't give a shit about the markets.

but look at the chart - there have been 4 days with big jumps since this started so it must be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ignoring the other 26 days of the last month...

its like the reverse of the polyannas over at TDD who would run around saying the economy was tanking every time the market had a bad day

I never said the market was doing great. I was simply happy we weren't collapsing. You can criticize me for being positive if that's your style, but be fair and nuanced about it. Like I said, no more market updates from me here at Duke Forum.

There is going to be an income cap on this, which is smart.

Everyone is going to be able to get their essentials.

Yang was sort of ahead of his time.

Not a reflection on how long they think France is fucked; this is the soonest viable timeframe after Wimbledon and the US Open are supposed to go.
My work has moved from "It's ok for people to work from home more than usual" to "If you can work from home, you must work from home."

Dr. Fauci is a fucking hero if this turns out to be true. I have no reason to doubt him, as he was ahead of everyone sounding the alarm and trying to get stuff shut down. This type of talk would be meaningless from Trump but very important from him.

Build a god damn statue of him when we beat this.

If you're a company like Apple, you're gonna have to start wondering if it's even safe to do business there anymore.

We need a Dr. Fauci like figure telling us to bring the supply chains home.
Fucking China.

It's been a top 3 issue voting wise for me the past few years.

Yeah, it's going to be THE issue of the 21st century. I feel so badly for the Uighurs especially. It is horrifying stuff.

I don't know when this happens. It could be 10 years. It could be 50 years. It could be 3 months from now. But China will either fall or they will be massively defeated and the U.S. and its allies (mainly those in the Pacific, because Europe has neither the stomach nor the demographics) will carve it up. Hong Kong and Taiwan will be free states. Probably the cities on the Central plain (Shanghai). The Northern Chinese plain on the Yellow River will be a state (Beijing). And then you'll probably have the Southern coast. The interior is home to 650 million but is an economic wasteland.

Slap, read Peter Zeihan's The Accidental Superpower if you haven't. The details of how broken their geography, political and economic system, and demographics are will send chills up your spine.
China doesn't have the demographics to support them as a superpower in the longer term.

Correct. Not a chance.

To be a superpower you pretty much need geography, demographics, and the right political and economic system all at once. These 4 things feed off each other and create the organism known as a nation state. The US has had all 4 since the dawn of the 20th century and are well positioned to keep them. It's a monster that feeds on itself when the rest of the world panics. New York real estate for instance has more Russian and private Chinese citizen safe money than anywhere in the world. China had good demographics 20 years ago but the one child rule is catching up to them and will eventually cripple them. They do not have good geography, and their political and economic system is not conducive to building a society like the West enjoys. They are pretty much 0-4. I try to approach this topic with care to avoid coming across as xenophobic. It's hard because people make assumptions. But Americans at the end of the day (and most Chinese) don't want to live under a Communist dictatorship.

This is not a rah rah 'Merica post. Just shootin' facts.

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