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aiw said:
No. That wouldn't necessarily be good for him and the election is in 11 days, anyway. What would he be distracting from?
Wag the dog wasn't a great illustration because the issue here wouldn't be so much distraction as doing something "big" that would potentially make some more conservative voters like him a bit more.

Not saying this is sound logic. I'm just expecting the Obama campaign to do something "big" between now and the election. Not sure what, but something.
Conservative voters are not going to vote for Obama. Period. They are going to vote for the other candidate that is going to expand the government and add to the deficit.
We need someone to post poll updates over here. This has shaped up to be an edge of the seat election.
I follow politics very closely, and this election has been fascinating with its ups and downs. I still don't see how Romney wins Ohio though. Obama has 4 times the people on the ground, and his whole reelection is based on getting people out to the polls and voting. The more people who get out to vote, the higher the chances he gets reelected. And in Ohio those campaign offices and volunteers matter for getting people to the polls now and on election day. So I really would be shocked if he lost Ohio (and essentially the election).
This is running here locally and I'm pretty sure it makes me rage.

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Betting odds for Obama have jumped about 5% across the board in the last couple of days, I assume thanks to the storm. They're favoring him by more than they have been since I started following them a month or so.
bfactor said:
This is running here locally and I'm pretty sure it makes me rage.

Uhh....running on the basis that your daughter has cancer is one of the most absurd things I have ever seen...wow.
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bfactor said:
This is running here locally and I'm pretty sure it makes me rage.

Is she pretending to have cancer to get her dad elected like Jon Lovitz pretended to have cancer to get a wig out of Seinfeld or does she really have cancer?
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Well, I'm cynical but to me it's just transparently exploiting her illness for political gain, then laughably claiming at the end that some things are more important than politics. Obviously from her appearance in the commercial we can infer that she freely consented to this, but it still creeps me out. This commercial is running like every other break in San Diego.
The ad would have been fine without her. I agree. She consented, but the pressure on her to do that was probably immense.
"Some things are bigger than politics."

*cut to staged lab scene of candidate*

I'm sincerely baffled that a candidate would think this commercial is a good idea. I mean, most people will think it's disgusting, right?
It's nice to see a candidate actually campaign FOR science. It was gratuitous to use his daughter that way.
I just watched it. I'm almost physically sick from watching it. Horrible horrible horrible ad. I want to know what agency he hired to do that, because they are he worst.
If HE said his daughter had cancer and that drove him to his current political stance, that would have been ok. To have a dying family member in the commercial stumping for a vote is over the top.
It's like an ad that a sketch comedy show would do to parody exploitative political ads. Truly a "is this real life?" moment.
aiw said:
If HE said his daughter had cancer and that drove him to his current political stance, that would have been ok. To have a dying family member in the commercial stumping for a vote is over the top.
But when you have an attractive daughter, it's best that it comes from her.
I'd actually say that it's so disgusting because she is attractive. It'd still be gross if it was his grandmother saying that stuff, but because it's a young, attractive girl it makes it that much creepier.
I still don't have my absentee ballot, despite requesting it over two weeks ago. I called on Monday and they told me they sent it to the wrong address, and would resend it to the proper one. I'm trying not to think cynically and imagine they are doing this on purpose in a very republican county in the swing state of Florida.

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