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What are you guys watching so much of on YouTube at this point of your lives? And why aren't you posting it here?

This is the only YouTube video I can think of that I've watched recently, other than the occasional random "how to _______" video:

You see that pic of your governor with the big titted football coach? You can jerk off to that forever.
I basically stopped personal use of laptops and tablets when I got a big ass iPhone. I only wish Apple made a foldable phone like the Android companies where you can double the screen size. If there were an iPad that fit into my pocket comfortably, I would use that all the time.

For content, it’s a lot of rabbit holes that I’m going through at any given time.

Cosmos, aliens, that sort of stuff that makes me feel like everyone’s life is meaningless - about 40% of my recommended videos. I’ve watched this one several times:

People eating ridiculous amounts of food or ridiculously spicy food is another 20% or so. I tend to watch these while I’m eating. I’m currently liking the Beard Meets Food guy:

People setting time records of some sort is another 20%. This is generally in track, swimming and video game speed running. Summoning Salt is the standard:

The remainder would be another level of embarrassing to share publicly.
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I watch woodworking videos all the time even though I don’t do it. I keep arguing with myself about buying the equipment I need, but then I get intimidated by all the necessary purchases. So then I watch more videos.
I've had the Pixel Fold for three months now and it's the best phone I've ever owned by a mile. Never consumed media on a phone before that, for all the same reasons @rome8180 listed. Would never go back to a non-folding phone.

Also, the surgery you are thinking of was probably PRK, I got that done last year with no regrets, aside from the relatively long recovery time.
Pretty frustrating that Apple hasn’t come out with foldable yet. Impossible that they don’t have the technology. Guessing they just don’t want to cannibalize iPad sales. It definitely would end the iPad mini line.
I've had the Pixel Fold for three months now and it's the best phone I've ever owned by a mile. Never consumed media on a phone before that, for all the same reasons @rome8180 listed. Would never go back to a non-folding phone.

Also, the surgery you are thinking of was probably PRK, I got that done last year with no regrets, aside from the relatively long recovery time.
Yes, that was it. My dad had to have it because of some other issues with his eyes, and they were like "It might fix your vision." And it did. I really should know more details. I'm a terrible son.
I watch woodworking videos all the time even though I don’t do it. I keep arguing with myself about buying the equipment I need, but then I get intimidated by all the necessary purchases. So then I watch more videos.
I watch music production (recording, mixing, mastering, etc) videos because it's less anxiety-producing than actually making music.
Asking for a milkshake while eating your 5th pizza may be one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen.
I watch woodworking videos all the time even though I don’t do it. I keep arguing with myself about buying the equipment I need, but then I get intimidated by all the necessary purchases. So then I watch more videos.
What do you want to make?

I also watch youtube (or listen to podcasts) basically all day every day. All of everything everyone has listed. Music, woodworking, film, comedy, food, science, history...all of it.
I watch woodworking videos all the time even though I don’t do it. I keep arguing with myself about buying the equipment I need, but then I get intimidated by all the necessary purchases. So then I watch more videos.
What do you want to make?

I also watch youtube (or listen to podcasts) basically all day every day. All of everything everyone has listed. Music, woodworking, film, comedy, food, science, history...all of it.
I'm sure I've mentioned it here, but YouTube has almost entirely replaced my TV watching. This is why I still go to a lot of movies in person. Trapping myself in the theater is the only way to ensure I'll actually watch something with some artistic value that lasts longer than 10 minutes. My attention span is shot. I'm always glad when I do commit myself to watching a full movie.
I watch woodworking videos all the time even though I don’t do it. I keep arguing with myself about buying the equipment I need, but then I get intimidated by all the necessary purchases. So then I watch more videos.
What do you want to make?

I also watch youtube (or listen to podcasts) basically all day every day. All of everything everyone has listed. Music, woodworking, film, comedy, food, science, history...all of it.
I would like to start with the basic cutting or charcuterie boards before trying my hand at some desk/table slabs and maybe then a large bookcase or armoire. Nothing with cool joinery.
My favorite youtube channel is The Why Files. I'm fascinated by the weird shit like aliens/paranormal/myths so it's the only channel I will make sure to watch each Thursday night when there's a new episode. I need to watch the latest one this week, missed it because of football every day the last 3 days.
I don't get into the paranormal stuff, but I do watch a ton of true crime. Some of it pisses me off because it's so obviously manipulative, however. The worst one is Mr. Ballen. He constantly fabricates and exaggerates. He also does the cheap trick of withholding information as long as possible. Great storyteller because he understands suspense and story structure but he really stretches the "true" in true crime. When you research the actual stories, or watch a more responsible storyteller tell them, it's apparent how much he makes up. Some of it's obvious, like when he's giving you the inner monologue of characters who are about to die. That's a little more forgiveable and falls into artistic license because we as an audience should realize that no one could know that. But other stuff is slipped in gross ways (twss).
I enjoy all of Simon Whistler's channels because I like his reading voice and personality. He's a bald somewhat sarcastic British man. You've probably encountered one of his dozen channels.
@ZackM Any recommendations for the basic beginning woodworker setup? Absolutely necessary tools vs nice-to-haves?
You'll want the basics:
Standard battery powered tools like drill, driver, jigsaw, trim router, orbital sander, etc.
Workbench or assembly table

But otherwise, a table saw is the most important thing...If you don't have space then a track saw is fine, and it can make certain tasks easier, but it's not remotely close to as versatile as a table saw. A miter saw and a planer are also pretty vital.

Router table and joinery tools (kreg jigs, domino, biscuit joiner) are definitely very useful, but you can get by without them.

Nice to haves are things like spindle/belt sanders, jointer, drill press.
Facebook marketplace is great for all that kind of stuff, btw. The only thing I'd be a little wary with is batteries, but honestly I've bought a bunch of them without issue.

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