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Weather Thread

No, thankfully we didn’t get any of that in NWA. Little Rock and eastern Arkansas got hit hard though. The people in your video were a lot smarter than these lucky idiots.

Will it ever stop raining? At about 4.5 inches since Thursday night and seems we’ve got at least another 15 hours of it to go.
It’s been such a cool, wet spring here in NC. We get these occasionally, I remember 2020 was also one. But this year has easily been the coolest and wettest I can recall. Highs in the low 60s over Memorial Day weekend? Crazy.
I'm fucking loving it. It's like perpetual fall. Most of the time it hasn't even been rainy. Just no oppressive heat or sun. It's also saving me a ton of money on bills. It's 68 in my house without having to run anything.

I've been taking walks twice a day. Just now I took a walk with some beer in a travel mug (not the same one I pissed in). Was the perfect way to end an all-night recording session.
This has been one of the best springs I can remember here. I think I'm probably going to make it to June without turning on my home AC a single time, something I've never been able to do before.
Well, it's fucking cold here. Hasn't been above 64 in over a week. Only a day or two in the last 3 to 4 weeks have felt like late spring.
It's been 80+ with no rain for a bit here. My grass looks bad.
NYC is covered in thick orange smog from the fires hundreds of miles away in Quebec. We even got an air quality alert in NC. I didn't notice any difference in the air. It just seemed rainy and gray. But still, it's pretty crazy that we're getting an air quality alert presumably connected to fires over 1000 miles away.
It sucks here on the OBX. Started smelling smoke yesterday and then just full on grim smokey haze all day today.

Hearing it’s very hard to breathe even indoors right now. I don’t know why people are being asked to go outside just to commute and go back inside offices to work today.
Got worn the fuck out working outside today, even moreso than I'd expect with the heat. Is that a thing that happens with terrible air quality like today? Anyone else local attempt to exert themselves today?
Moved to Charleston. Treadmill broken in the move. Running outside at 9 am with 95+ heat index is not fun. Could only make it 2+ miles before walking the rest of the way. Lost 3.5 pounds in sweat. Need them to fix/replace the treadmill.

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