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Player Vernon Carey, Jr.

This player is the best overall player in college basketball. He’s a big man who does typical big man things, though, and therefore he makes his team worse when he’s on the court.

I mean, there just isn’t a world where any of these bigs K is recruiting and planning to play a lot is going to help win basketball games anymore.
This player is the best overall player in college basketball. He’s a big man who does typical big man things, though, and therefore he makes his team worse when he’s on the court.

I mean, there just isn’t a world where any of these bigs K is recruiting and planning to play a lot is going to help win basketball games anymore.

We can use Carey differently, stretch him but that big man... feed the big man style of basketball is out-dated. We need to pull him out the paint
That underhanded layup attempt that Sarr blocked the shit out of was pretty emblematic of our night.

K maybe the only coach in America who could have pussified the son of an NFL star.
He's certainly gotten weaker as the season has progressed. Not sure what the staff is doing with him.
He's effectively being taken out of consideration for NPOY by the media and his own coaches and teammates
I dunno. Sure seems to me he remains an offensive priority, at least when he's able to stay on the court. I think he just hasn't played as well.

He appears to be struggling against double-teams with increasing frequency. Bobbling a lot of balls, missing more point-blank shots than he did earlier in the season, letting himself be pushed a little further outside the area where he had been most effective offensively early on.

Granted, those are all anecdotal observations that probably aren't supported by any data. I don't spend much time worrying about what Carey is doing, because he's still at least somewhat reliable as a scorer. Our tournament prospects, at least whatever remains of them, seem to hinge almost entirely on whether Baker, AOC and White are A) allowed to play and B) able to make 3s. If they can, it'll make life easier for Carey.
This kid has regressed. Unfortunate he’s gonna bail after 1 season to get a late first round pick. Guess I can’t really blame him since that’s his ceiling, but it would be nice for once to get a kid of this caliber to return.
I still think he gets screwed constantly by the refs. Except for that last shot (unfortunately), I think he almost always goes up really strong, creating contact exactly like you'd coach him to. I also think he draws a foul on almost every shot he takes around the rim, but that it almost never gets called, which is super frustrating.

I feel like his otherworldly-calm demeanor works against him there, and if he whined about calls more, refs would have more of a knee-jerk reaction to call them. Either I'm crazy or he's going to get to the line a hell of a lot more in the NBA.
He just kept going at them. He wore them down. It's got to be hard guarding a guy like that for an entire game.

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